Volunteers Wanted

No-Cost Training

Whether it’s drills and ops or National Certified FF I and II, we provide quality training opportunities at no cost to firefighters.

Community Service Driven

Providing life-saving and emergency services to Spirit Lake and surrounding areas is a fulfilling and rewarding way to support your community.

Tax Benefits

Qualifying firefighters receive Iowa tax incentives including Iowa Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Personnel Tax Credit.


While being a volunteer firefighter isn’t about the pay, our volunteer firefighters are paid by the hour for calls and training.

We want to help you become a member of our team.  If you’re 19 years of age or older, download and complete the application

Volunteer Firefighter Application

If have questions or want more details, or if you’re ready to join and want to turn in an application, you can email us at volunteer@spiritlakefd.com.